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Introducing Bloodborne, action RPG from renowned Japanese developer FromSoftware, makers of the hit Demon's Souls and Dark Souls series, exclusively on the PlayStation®4 system. Face your fears as you search for answers in the ancient city of Yharnam, now cursed with a strange endemic illness spreading through the streets like wildfire. Danger, death and madness lurk around every corner of this dark and horrific world, and you must discover its darkest secrets in order to survive.
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New hunter, eh? Welcome...I am...Gehrman, friend to you hunters.
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Story PrologueLocated in a remote mountainous region far away from the rest of civilization, there’s the ancient city of Yharnam. It’s a gloomy city where the indigenous faith has given birth to prejudice, but it’s also known as a center of ancient medical learning. Many bizarre secrets are hidden within its dark depths. However, the city is now affected by the horrifying epidemic commonly named “the plague of the beast,” and is now known as a cursed place. Those afflicted transform into hideous beasts”, “the citizens around are unaware that they too are afflicted.” Even the so-called “normal humans”, rare in number, might have their own share of abnormalities to contend with deep down. Today in the city of Yharnam the “Beast Hunt” happens every night, and the streets are filled of the smell of blood, beasts and death. There’s a peculiar atmosphere, as the crowds performing the “Beast Hunt” wander around the city. They walk around with bleary, confused eyes, with their weapons and torches in their hands. The beasts are great in strength and fast on foot. It is best to watch the beasts movements and think of the best strategy of how to take them on. There are those that burn the bodies of huge beasts. A cruel feast unfolds under the beautiful moon, but what do these people have in common with the beasts? That answer is unknown at this very time. There are people who hunt down the beasts for a living, and they are called “Hunters.” Their equipment includes a unique weapon that has the shape of a Saw mixed with a hatchet as well as a Shotgun to take down the Beasts. Armor is obsolete and so Hunters use a different battle technique to fight their battles. The shotgun is used for far away encounters whilst their unique weapon is used for up close battles. This is how the Hunters fight. When the time comes to overcome dangerous situation, they must persevere to stay alive in many life and death struggles. From here on out, bet your life as your ghastly battle for your life will begin… [source] The true Bloodborne starts here... |
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