HEX ID's ArchiveBloodborne Wiki » Unused Content » Modded Save » HEX ID's Archive |
Source ❘ Edit ❘ Sitemap ❘ License page revision: 01, last edited: 04 Mar 2023 |
Basic Information |
Blood Gems - Gem Shape |
Hex ID | Name |
01 00 00 00 | radial |
02 00 00 00 | triangle |
04 00 00 00 | waning |
08 00 00 00 | circle |
3F 00 00 00 | droplet (universal on all weapons) |
Blood Gems - Gem Effect (listed in chronological digits order) |
Hex ID | Name | Hex ID | Name | Hex ID | Name |
3C 33 00 00 | +6.5 BLOOD | D0 98 00 00 | 6% OPEN FOES | 4F EA 01 00 | 23.9% BOLT |
3E 33 00 00 | +7 BLOOD | D1 98 00 00 | 6.5% RALLY | B3 EA 01 00 | 27.2% BOLT |
3F 33 00 00 | +7.3 BLOOD | D2 98 00 00 | 6.5% RALLY | B4 EA 01 00 | 28.2% BOLT |
40 33 00 00 | +7.5 BLOOD | D3 98 00 00 | 6.7% RALLY | 0B ED 01 00 | 9.8% PHYSICAL |
01 34 00 00 | +20.1 BLOOD | 9E A0 00 00 | STAM COST +1.4% | 0C ED 01 00 | 10.1% PHYSICAL |
02 34 00 00 | +21 BLOOD | 9F A0 00 00 | STAM COST +1.5 | D1 ED 01 00 | 20.3% PHYSICAL |
03 34 00 00 | +21.9 BLOOD | 00 A1 00 00 | STAM COST +2.9% | 20 F2 01 00 | 21.5% ATK |
04 34 00 00 | +22.8 BLOOD | 01 A1 00 00 | STAM COST +3% | 83 F2 01 00 | 23.6% ATK |
05 34 00 00 | +23.6 BLOOD | 02 A1 00 00 | STAM COST +3.2% | 84 F2 01 00 | 24.4% ATK |
06 34 00 00 | +24.5 BLOOD | 03 A1 00 00 | STAM COST +3.3% | F0 F9 01 00 | +65 STR SCALING |
07 34 00 00 | +25.4 BLOOD | 04 A1 00 00 | STAM COST +3.4% | D2 FD 01 00 | +19.8 SKILL SCALING |
08 34 00 00 | +26.3 BLOOD | 84 A4 00 00 | 5.2% CHARGE ATK UP | D6 FD 01 00 | +23.1 SKILL SCALING |
28 37 00 00 | +15 ARC | 85 A4 00 00 | 5.4% CHARGE ATK UP | D7 FD 01 00 | +23.9 SKILL SCALING |
51 38 00 00 | +67.5 ARC | E9 A4 00 00 | 12.2% CHARGE ATK UP | D8 FD 01 00 | + 24.8 SKILL SCALING |
52 38 00 00 | +70 ARC | EA A4 00 00 | 12.6% CHARGE ATK UP | F2 00 02 00 | +12.6 BLOOD SCALING |
53 38 00 00 | +72.5 ARC | EB A4 00 00 | 13.1% CHARGE ATK UP | 21 02 02 00 | +25.3 BLOOD SCALING |
54 38 00 00 | +75 ARC | EC A4 00 00 | 13.5 % CHATGE ATK UP | 22 02 02 00 | +26.3 BLOOD SCALING |
B6 38 00 00 | +77 ARC | B8 AC 00 00 | HP DEPLETE ‐8 | 23 02 02 00 | +27.2 BLOOD SCALING |
B7 38 00 00 | +79.8 ARC | BB AC 00 00 | HP DEPLETE ‐9 | 24 02 02 00 | +28.1 BLOOD SCALING |
B8 38 00 00 | +82.5 ARC | 3D B0 00 00 | 2.7% BOOST RALLY | 44 05 02 00 | +65 ARC SCALING |
10 3B 00 00 | +15 FIRE | A2 B0 00 00 | 6.3% BOOST RALLY | 09 06 02 00 | +25.3 ARC SCALING |
6F 3B 00 00 | +28.1 FIRE | 8A B4 00 00 | WPN DURA UP +12.6 | B9 23 02 00 | 3% REDUCE STAM COST |
71 3B 00 00 | +30.4 FIRE | 8B B4 00 00 | WPN DURA UP +13.1 | 48 25 02 00 | 8.1% REDUCE STAM COST |
72 3B 00 00 | +31.5 FIRE | 8C B4 00 00 | WPN DURA UP + 13.5 | 4C 25 02 00 | 9.4% REDUCE STAM COST |
73 3B 00 00 | +32.6 FIRE | 71 B8 00 00 | WPN DURA DOWN ‐60.8 | 52 2C 02 00 | 28% CHARGE ATK |
39 3C 00 00 | +67.5 FIRE | 72 B8 00 00 | WPN DURA DOWN ‐63 | 53 2C 02 00 | 29% CHARGE ATK |
3A 3C 00 00 | +70 FIRE | 07 C1 00 00 | 25% PHYSICAL NEAR DEATH | 54 2C 02 00 | 30% CHARGE ATK |
3B 3C 00 00 | +72.5 FIRE | 08 C1 00 00 | 26% PHYSICAL NEAR DEATH | FF 30 02 00 | +5 HP RECOVER |
3C 3C 00 00 | +75 FIRE | 09 C1 00 00 | 27% PHYSICAL NEAR DEATH | 01 31 02 00 | +5 HP RECOVER |
9D 3C 00 00 | +74.3 FIRE | 0A C1 00 00 | 28% PHYSICAL NEAR DEATH | 02 31 02 00 | +5 HP RECOVER |
9E 3C 00 00 | +77 FIRE | 86 21 01 00 | +2.8 SLOW POISON | 03 31 02 00 | +5 HP RECOVER |
9F 3C 00 00 | +79.8 FIRE | 9B D5 01 00 | 11.7% BLUNT | 04 31 02 00 | +6 HP RECOVER |
A0 3C 00 00 | +82.5 FIRE | 9C D5 01 00 | 12.2% BLUNT | 8B 44 02 00 | 34.4% PHYSICAL AT FULL HP |
F6 3E 00 00 | +14 BOLT | 2B D7 01 00 | 32.6% BLUNT | 8C 44 02 00 | 35.6% PHYSICAL AT FULL HP |
F8 3E 00 00 | +15 BOLT | 2C D7 01 00 | 33.8% BLUNT | AA 47 02 00 | 28% PHYSICAL NEAR DEATH |
59 3F 00 00 | +30.4 BOLT | AD DA 01 00 | 26.7% THRUST | AB 47 02 00 | 29% PHYSICAL NEAR DEATH |
5A 3F 00 00 | +31.5 BOLT | AE DA 01 00 | 27.7% THRUST | AC 47 02 00 | 30% PHYSICAL NEAR DEATH |
5B 3F 00 00 | +32.6 BOLT | AF DA 01 00 | 28.7% THRUST | 42 50 02 00 | 28% NOURISHING AT FULL HP |
84 40 00 00 | +71.5 BOLT | B0 DA 01 00 | 29.7% THRUST | 43 50 02 00 | 29% NOURISHING AT FULL HP |
85 40 00 00 | +74.3 BOLT | 13 DB 01 00 | 32.6% THRUST | 44 50 02 00 | 30% NOURISHING AT FULL HP |
86 40 00 00 | +77 BOLT | 14 DB 01 00 | 33.8% THRUST | F3 86 02 00 | 27.2% PHYSICAL |
87 40 00 00 | +79.8 BOLT | 95 DE 01 00 | 26.7% BLOOD | F4 86 02 00 | 28.1% PHYSICAL |
88 40 00 00 | +82.5 BOLT | 97 DE 01 00 | 28.7% BLOOD | 77 8A 02 00 | 23.9% PHYSICAL |
42 43 00 00 | +18.9 PHYSICAL | 98 DE 01 00 | 29.7% BLOOD | 78 8A 02 00 | 24.8% PHYSICAL |
E0 42 00 00 | +15 PHYSICAL | FA DE 01 00 | 31.5% BLOOD | A8 92 02 00 | +24.4 STR SCALING |
A1 43 00 00 | +24.2 PHYSICAL | FB DE 01 00 | 32.6% BLOOD | AC 92 02 00 | +28.1 STR SCALING |
A6 43 00 00 | +29.4 PHYSICAL | FC DE 01 00 | 33.8% BLOOD | B1 99 02 00 | 24.3% ATK BEAST |
A7 43 00 00 | +30.5 PHYSICAL | 7E E2 01 00 | 23.1% ARC | B3 99 02 00 | 26.1% ATK BEAST |
A8 43 00 00 | +31.5 PHYSICAL | 7F E2 01 00 | 23.9% ARC | B4 99 02 00 | 27% ATK BEAST |
0A 44 00 00 | +42 PHYSICAL | 80 E2 01 00 | 24.8% ARC | 7B 9A 02 00 | 32.6% ATK BEAST |
0B 44 00 00 | +43.5 PHYSICAL | E3 E2 01 00 | 27.2% ARC | 7C 9A 02 00 | 33.8% ATK BEAST |
0C 44 00 00 | + 45 PHYSICAL | E4 E2 01 00 | 28.1% ARC | C3 11 02 00 | 32.6% ATK KIN |
38 6E 00 00 | ATK DOWN ‐7.6% | 65 E6 01 00 | 22.3% FIRE | C4 11 02 00 | 33.8% ATK KIN |
39 6E 00 00 | ATK DOWN ‐7.9% | CB E6 01 00 | 27.2% FIRE | 7B 1D 02 00 | +21.7 RAPID POISON |
AA 85 00 00 | ATK BEAST DOWN ‐11.3% | CC E6 01 00 | 28.1% FIRE | 7C 1D 02 00 | +22.5 RAPID POISON |
78 8D 00 00 | ATK KIN DOWN ‐10.5% | 20 E9 01 00 | 8.8% BOLT | 1B AA 02 00 | +18.1 SLOW POISON |
79 8D 00 00 | ATK KIN DOWN ‐10.9% | E9 E9 01 00 | 20.3% BOLT | 1C AA 02 00 | +18.7 SLOW POISON |
7C 8D 00 00 | ATK KIN DOWN ‐12.2% | EA E9 01 00 | 21% BOLT | 3A AD 02 00 | +16.8 RAPID POISON |
CD 98 00 00 | 5.4% OPEN FOES | EC E9 01 00 | 22.5% BOLT | 3C AD 02 00 | +18 RAPID POISON |
Caryll Runes - Rune Shape / Identity |
Hex ID |
02 00 00 00 01 00 00 00 |
Caryll Runes - Effects |
Effects & Hex ID | Effects & Hex ID |
Clockwise Metamorphosis: | Deep Sea: |
Boosts Max HP +5% - 98 D4 10 00 | Add frenzy RES +100 - 58 32 11 00 |
Boosts Max HP +10% - 99 D4 10 00 | Add frenzy RES +200 - 59 32 11 00 |
Boosts Max HP +15% - 9A D4 10 00 | Add frenzy RES +300 - 5A 32 11 00 |
Anti-Clockwise Metamorphosis: | Clear Deep Sea: |
Boosts Max Stamina +10% - 68 DC 10 00 | Add slow poison RES +100 - 88 2A 11 00 |
Boosts Max Stamina +15% - 69 DC 10 00 | Add slow poison RES +200 - 89 2A 11 00 |
Boosts Max Stamina +20% - 6A DC 10 00 | Add slow poison RES +300 - 8A 2A 11 00 |
Communion: | Stunning Deep Sea: |
Max vials held UP +1 - B0 4D 11 00 | Add rapid poison RES +100 - 70 2E 11 00 |
Max vials held UP +2 - B1 4D 11 00 | Add rapid poison RES +200 - 71 2E 11 00 |
Max vials held UP +3 - B2 4D 11 00 | Add rapid poison RES +300 - 72 2E 11 00 |
Max vials held UP +4 - B3 4D 11 00 | Great Deep Sea: |
Max vials held UP +5 - B4 4D 11 00 | Add all types of RES +50 - 40 36 11 00 |
Formless Oedon: | Add all types of RES +100 - 41 36 11 00 |
Max QS bullets held UP +1 - 80 55 11 00 | Add all types of RES +150 - 42 36 11 00 |
Max QS bullets held UP +2 - 81 55 11 00 | Moon: |
Max QS bullets held UP +3 - 82 55 11 00 | More echoes from slain enemies (+10%) - E0 C8 10 00 |
Max QS bullets held UP +4 - 83 55 11 00 | More echoes from slain enemies (+20%) - E1 C8 10 00 |
Max QS bullets held UP +5 - 84 55 11 00 | More echoes from slain enemies (+30%) - E2 C8 10 00 |
Clawmark: | EYE: |
Ups visceral attack ATK +10% - 38 E4 10 00 | Item Discovery +50 - B0 D0 10 00 |
Ups visceral attack ATK +20% - 39 E4 10 00 | Item Discovery +70 - B1 D0 10 00 |
Ups visceral attack ATK +30% - 3A E4 10 00 | Item Discovery +100 - B2 D0 10 00 |
Blood Rapture: | Guidance: |
V.ATKs restore HP +200 - 20 E8 10 00 | Rally Potential +10% - 08 69 11 00 |
V.ATKs restore HP +250 - 21 E8 10 00 | Rally Potential +20% - 09 69 11 00 |
V.ATKs restore HP +300 - 22 E8 10 00 | Rally Potential +30% - 0A 69 11 00 |
Oedon Writhe: | Beast: [Falling Damage can be on gems] |
V.ATKs grant QS bullets +1 - F0 EF 10 00 | Temp. boost to transform +20 - 28 3A 11 00 |
V.ATKs rant QS bullets +2 - F1 EF 10 00 | Temp. boost to transform +50 - 29 3A 11 00 |
V.ATKs grant QS bullets +3 - F2 EF 10 00 | Temp. boost to transform +100 - 2A 3A 11 00 |
Heir: | Falling damage reduced 30% - 20 65 11 00 |
Blood Echoes gained from V.ATKs (+30%) - C0 F7 10 00 | Falling damage reduced 50% - 21 65 11 00 |
Blood Echoes gained from V.ATKs (+40%) - C1 F7 10 00 | Falling damage reduced 100% - 22 65 11 00 |
Blood Echoes gained from V.ATKs (+50%) - C2 F7 10 00 | Hunter: |
Lake: | Increases stamina recovery speed - 31 32 20 00 |
Physical DMG reduction +3% - D0 1E 11 00 | Corruption: |
Physical DMG reduction +5% - D1 1E 11 00 | Cont. heal near death (+1) - 61 2A 20 00 |
Physical DMG reduction +7% - D2 1E 11 00 | Radiance: |
Arcane Lake: | Increases HP recovery from Blood Vials - 79 26 20 00 |
Arcane DMG Reduction +5% - 30 0F 11 00 | Impurity: |
Arcane DMG Reduction +7% - 31 0F 11 00 | Increases max health by 2% while in co-op - 99 74 20 00 |
Arcane DMG Reduction +10% - 32 0F 11 00 | Beast's Embrace Temp: [Can be used on gems] |
Fading Lake: | boost to transform +15 - 81 78 20 00 |
Fire DMG Reduction +5% - 18 13 11 00 | ?? - 82 78 20 00 |
Fire DMG Reduction +7% - 19 13 11 00 | ?? - 83 78 20 00 |
Fire DMG Reduction +10% - 1A 13 11 00 | ?? - 84 78 20 00 |
Dissipating Lake: | ?? - 85 78 20 00 |
Bolt DMG Reduction +5% - E8 1A 11 00 | Milkweed: [Can be used on gems] |
Bolt DMG Reduction +7% - E9 1A 11 00 | Slight increase to Item Discovery - 69 7C 20 00 |
Bolt DMG Reduction +10% - EA 1A 11 00 | ?? - 6A 7C 20 00 |
Great Lake: | ?? - 6B 7C 20 00 |
All DMG reduction +3% - B8 22 11 00 | |
All DMG reduction +5% - B9 22 11 00 | |
All DMG reduction +7% - BA 22 11 00 | |
Note: If you also wish to convert Gems into Runes, simply farm gems and perform this. 01 00 00 00 > 02 00 00 00 (Gem 01, Rune 02) and change the 02/04/08/3F 00 00 00 after it to 01. for Oath it's 02 00 00 00 02 00 00 00. |
Armor Sets |
Armor & Hex ID | Armor & Hex ID |
Grey Wolf Cap (Head) - 10270010 | Madman Hood - 50340310 |
Charred Hunter Garb (Body) - F82A0010 | Madman Garb - 38380310 |
Charred Hunter Gloves (Arms) - E02E0010 | Madman Manchettes - 203C0310 |
Charred Hunter Trousers (Legs) - C8320010 | Madman Leggings - 08400310 |
Black Hooded Iron Helm (Head) - 204E0010 | Doll Hat (Head) - 603B0310 |
Yahar'gul Black Garb (Body) - 08520010 | Doll Clothes (Body) - 485F0310 |
Yahar'gul Black Gloves (Arms) - F0550010 | Doll Gloves (Arms) - 30360310 |
Yahar'gul Black Trousers (Legs) - D8590010 | Doll Skirt (Legs) - 18670310 |
Graveguard Mask (Head) - 30750010 | Black Hood (Head) - 70820310 |
Graveguard Robe (Body) - 18790010 | Foreign Garb (Body) - 58860310 |
Graveguard Manchettes (Arms) - 007D0010 | Sullied Bandage (Arms) - 408A0310 |
Graveguard Kilt (Legs) - E8800010 | Foreign Trousers (Legs) - 288E0310 |
Bone Ash Mask (Head) - 409C0010 | Ashen Hunter Garb (Body) - 68AD0310 |
Bone Ash Armour (Body) - 28A00010 | Ashen Hunter Gloves (Arms) - 50B10310 |
Bone Ash Gauntlets (Arms) - 10A40010 | Ashen Hunter Trousers (Legs) - 38B50310 |
Bone Ash Leggings (Legs) - F8A70010 | Crown of Illusions (Head) - 90D00310 |
Henryk's Hunter Cap (Head) - 50C30010 | Master's Iron Helm (Head) - A0F70310 |
Henryk's Hunter Garb (Body) - 38C70010 | Iron Yahar'gul Helm (Head) - B01E0410 |
Henryk's Hunter Gloves (Arms) - 20CB0010 | (? was found but not tested or working properly) |
Henryk's Hunter Trousers (Legs) - 08CF0010 | Top Hat (Head) - C0450410 |
Yharnam Hunter set | Hunter Garb (Body) - A8490410 |
Head - 60EA0010 | ? (Arms) - 904D0410 |
Body - 48EE0010 | ? (Legs) - 78510410 |
Arms - 30F20010 | White Church Hat (Head) - D06C0410 |
Legs - 18F60010 | White Church Garb (Body) - B8700410 |
Hunter Hat (Head) - 70110110 | Surgical Long Gloves (Arms) - A0740410 |
Hunter Garb Cape (Body) - 58150110 | White Church Trousers/Dress (Legs) - 88780410 |
Hunter Gloves (Arms) - 40190110 | Noble Dress (Body) - D8BE0410 |
Hunter Trousers (Legs) - 281D0110 | Arianna's Shoes (Legs) - A8C60410 |
Knight's Wig (Head) - 80380110 | Rumpled Yharnam Hat (Head) - 00E20410 |
Knight's Garb (Body) - 683C0110 | Sweaty Clothes (Body) - E8E50410 |
Knight's Gloves (Arms) - 50400110 | Butcher Mask (Head) - 10090510 |
Knight's Trousers (Legs) - 38440110 | Butcher Garb (Body) - F80C0510 |
Cainhurst Helmet (Head) - A0860110 | Butcher Gloves (Arms) - E0100510 |
Cainhurst Armour (Body) - 888A0110 | Butcher Trousers (Legs) - C8140510 |
Cainhurst Gauntlets (Arms) - 708E0110 | Harrowed Hood (Head) - 20300510 |
Cainhurst Leggings (Legs) - 58920110 | Harrowed Garb (Body) - 08340510 |
Black Church Hat (Head) - B0AD0110 | Harrowed Gloves (Arms) - F0370510 |
Black Church Garb (Body) - 98B10110 | Harrowed Trousers (Legs) - D83B0510 |
Surgical Long Gloves (Arms) - 80B50110 | Old Hunter Cap (Head) - 30570510 |
Black Church Trousers/Dress (Legs) - 68B90110 | Old Hunter Garb (Body) - 185B0510 |
Blindfold Cap (Head) - C0D40110 | Old Hunter Gloves (Arms) - 005F0510 |
Choir Garb (Body) - A8D80110 | Old Hunter Trousers (Legs) - E8620510 |
Choir Gloves (Arms) - 90DC0110 | (? was found but not tested or working properly) |
Choir Trousers (Legs) - 78E00110 | Old Hunter Top Hat (Head) - 407E0510 |
Gascoigne's Cap (Head) - D0FB0110 | ? (Body) - 28820510 |
Gascoigne's Garb (Body) - B8FF0110 | ? (Arms) - 10680510 |
Gascoigne's Gloves (Arms) - A0030210 | ? (Legs) - F8890510 |
Gascoigne's Trousers (Legs) - 88070210 | Maria Hunter Cap (Head) - 50A50510 |
Tomb Prospecter Hood (Head) - E0220210 | Maria Hunter Garb (Body) - 38A90510 |
Tomb Prospecter Garb (Body) - C8260210 | Maria Hunter Gloves (Arms) - 20AD0510 |
Tomb Prospecter Gloves (Arms) - B02A0210 | Maria Hunter Trousers (Legs) - 08B10510 |
Tomb Prospecter Trousers (Legs) - 982E0210 | Constable? (Head) - 60CC0510 |
Gold Ardeo (Head) - F0490210 | Constable's Garb (Body) - 48D00510 |
Executioner Garb (Body) - D84D0210 | Constable Gloves (Arms) - 30D40510 |
Executioner Gauntlets (Arms) - C0510210 | Constable Trousers (Legs) - 18D80510 |
Executioner Trousers (Legs) - A8550210 | Brador's Testimony (Head) - 70F30510 |
Beak Mask (Head) - 20BF0210 | Beast Hide Garb (Body) - 58F70510 |
Crowfeather Garb (Body) - 08C30210 | Bloodied Arm Bands (Arms) - 40FB0510 |
Crowfeather Manchettes (Arms) - F0C60210 | Bloodied Trousers (Legs) - 28FF0510 |
Crowfeather Trousers (Legs) - D8CA0210 | Yamamura Hunter Hat (Head) - 801A0610 |
Student Set (Kind of, ? was found but not tested or working properly) | Khaki Haori (Body) - 681E0610 |
? (Head) - 30E60210 | Old Hunter Arm Bands (Arms) - 50220610 |
Student Uniform (A) (Body) - 18EA0210 | Wine Hakama (Legs) - 38260610 |
Student Uniform (B) (Body) - C8970410 | Enlarged Head - B08F0610 |
? (Arms) - 00EE0210 | |
Student Trousers (Legs) - E8F10210 | |
Gehrman's Hunter Cap - 400D0310 | |
Gehrman's Hunter Garb - 28110310 | |
Gehrman's Hunter Trousers - F8180310 |
Cut/Unused Content |
Armor & Hex ID | Armor & Hex ID |
Beast Transform | Suspicious Beggar Headpiece (UNUSED MALE) |
Head - 90410610 | Head - 70640810 |
Body - 78450610 | Bloody Arianna Dress (UNUSED) |
Arms - 60490610 | Body - 78B60810 |
Legs - 484D0610 | WHITE CHURCH SET? (UNUSED) (Body) - 88DD0810 |
Kin Transform | BLACK UNTEXTURED (UNUSED) (Arms) - 70E10810 |
Head - A0680610 | UNTEXTURED BEAST ARMS (UNUSED) - 80080910 |
Body - 886C0610 | Madman? (GHOST, HEAD): C0B60610 |
Arms - 90490610 | Madman? (GHOST, BODY): A8BA0610 |
Legs - 58740610 | Madman? (GHOST, ARMS): 90BE0610 |
Bloody Executioner Set (UNUSED MALE) | Madman? (GHOST, LEGS): 78C20610 |
Head - 00530710 | Harrowed (GHOST, HEAD): D0DD0610 |
Body - E8560710 | Harrowed (GHOST, BODY): B8E10610 |
Arms - D05A0710 | Harrowed (GHOST, ARMS): A0E50610 |
Legs - B85E0710 | Harrowed (GHOST, LEGS): 88E90610 |
Bloody Eileen Set (UNUSED) | Maria Hunter (GHOST, HEAD): E0040710 |
Head - 107A0710 | Maria Hunter (GHOST, BODY): C8080710 |
Body - F87D0710 | Master's Iron Helm (GHOST, ARMS): F02B0710 |
Arms - E0810710 | ? (GHOST, BODY): D82F0710 |
Legs - C8850710 | Black Iron Hood (GHOST): C0270910 |
Iosefka's Skirt Barefoot (UNUSED) | Black Iron Arms (GHOST): 902F0910 |
Legs - D8AC0710 | Graveguard Hood (GHOST): D04E0910 |
Arianna's Pregnant Dress (UNUSED) | Graveguard Robe (GHOST): B8520910 |
Body - 18CC0710 | Bone Ash Hat (GHOST): E0750910 |
Lonely Old Woman Clothes (UNUSED) | Bone Ash Body (GHOST): C8790910 |
Body - 28F30710 | Bone Ash Leggings (GHOST): 98810910 |
Body - 381A0810 | Knight Armor (GHOST): D8A00910 |
Annalise (Normal - UNUSED) | Knight Leggings (GHOST): A8A80910 |
en5305 (Head) - 905F0110 | Dress (GHOST, BODY): E8C70910 |
en5306 (Body) - 78630110 | |
Bloody Adella Robe (UNUSED) - Body - 48410810 | |
Bloody Adella Gloves (UNUSED) - Arms - 30450810 | |
Bloody Adella Skirt (UNUSED) - Legs - 18490810 | |
Note: All ID's above for armor was reversed backwards for AM use! Please confirm if these ID's work as I haven't tested these! Some ID's may or may not work due to me making a mistake or they just don't work properly. |